Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Swirl and More Yarn

Current progress:

The original inspiration had the swirls going towards the corners, but as I knitted, I kept fretting over how to do those corners--how to square the circle and the swirl.

However, as it grew, I came to understand that maybe I didn't have to square it off. If I just kept going on either side, keeping the curve, then I would have a sort of oblong afghan, and that would work fine. So that is what I'm trying.

Here are more details.

I also wanted to finish the story of my weekend. I've found that I am far more likely to knit with wound or balled yarn as compared to the same yarn on a cone. I just like the look of wound yarn more. So I was winding some yarn from various cones, as Sandy looked through my stash. And I forget if I brought this up or if she did, but we were reminded of these commercial yarns that have been intriguing me for a while. Both of them are several things wound together.

The color mixes were fun to look at.

Inspired by these, and on the heels of my magic balls and Angelica's beautiful yarns, Sandy got me started mixing some of my yarns, particularly with the coned yarns. Then we also started creating mixes with some of my thinner yarns, since I rarely knit on small needles anymore, and yet, sock yarn is so enticing, I keep buying it.

Anyway, the results were so beautiful, I kept at it until the end of the weekend. I didn't knit at all until Sunday night!

Here is a closer look.

The colors don't come out very well, so I'll ask you to trust me, they would make your fingers itch to start knitting.

I have so many things calling me to knit with them. What a great problem!


  1. Hi - just recently discovered your blog and Rav project page. Our approach to knitting is very similar, although I have explored mixing fibers in smaller projects than you (hats, etc.). Surprisingly to me, after years of making small projects, I know have several blankets on the hook and needle. They are of a 'regulated' type (e.g., ripple, log cabin, etc.) but your work is inspiring me to branch out and use my hat knitting approach in my blankets - whooowie! I had to write today because I LOVE what I call 'yarn combos' -- different strands wound together for knitting. I have several bins purchased and others I have concocted myself. Where I live we have a yarn store Yarnia which only sells these combos - pre-created or you make them up yourself. Enjoy!

  2. Are you YarnsTalkToMe? If so, love your hats! It is endlessly intriguing how yarns melt into each other. I can't wait to see your blankets.
