Friday, December 31, 2010

Ending the Year on a Productive Note

Here's the next batch of scarves.

Left to right, the first is another magic ball scarf.

I alternated two balls, and did two rows of the daisy stitch (e.g, two rows of daisies) alternating colors, then I knit one row, slipped the knitting to the other side so I could knit the other yarn across in the same direction, and then did two more rows of daisies. By knitting the two yarns across to the other side, every other set of daisies were reversed, so that each side of the scarf looked balanced.

I did it on the diagonal, too, which made it all a bit of a challenge, but it looks nice and I was pleased that the technique worked.

The other is a snake scarf done in scribble lace, similar to the technique I explained here. It also turned out very well.

Good end to the year! May your new year be happy and yarn-filled, and may mine be, too!

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