Sunday, August 29, 2010

Under the Sea

I've started the new one.

Not greatly happy with the fish -- the orange is the eye. I used a chart from this site, since I couldn't find a knitting one I liked, but the problem is mine: as usual, I didn't choose colors that contrasted greatly enough. It shows up a bit better in real life. I may just try to color the entire thing with markers or something, to make it more clear.

Here is a closer look.

I've just started on the entrelac around the center portion.

For the beginning triangles, I used a very textured yarn, to provide a bit of a frame (a lesson learned from my mirror afghan). For this first row of squares, I'm holding two yarns together, a Noro and a Colinette. How luxurious is that?

It looks almost glowing in the actual light.

Oh, and I finished the scarf.

I think I won't edge it, to keep the sort of homespun look. I liked how it turned out.

Back to fishing.


  1. How about some duplicate stitching around the edge of the fish in a darker color? Maybe a few interior highlights too? Still looks like a good beginning.

  2. That's a good idea! I like the edging the fish idea!

