Sunday, July 15, 2012

First Bloop Afghan

This is actually the first larger piece I ever tried with bloop knitting. My goal was to try everything I could think of, so it is far more complicated than the later pieces, and that is why I have delayed showing it until now.

That's a yardstick, to show the size.

Throughout most of this I had markers in different colors, each signifying a different bloop pattern. I even had a color for bloops made on the return row. For example, one bloop had sections of 12 with, say, a bloop of 1 2 1 3 1, and another had sections of 20 with bloops of 3 2 1 2 3. As long as all the markers were removed, it is perfectly possible to be following several bloop patterns at the same time.

I also played with yarnovers, first using them in between the bloop rows, and then using them only for bloop rows.

Finally, I did two bloop rows between the yarnover rows.

It was fun and I learned a lot, but afterwards I've just been doing a single bloop pattern in any given row because it gives a fine look all by itself, and I always make them on the front-side row because they are easier to keep track of if you have a contrast color after the stationary marker and the same color at the movable marker.

Perhaps I'll get bored with single bloops and go back to multiples one day. And then again, maybe not!

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