Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Nearing the End

All done but the finishing. Here it is before casting off.

I decided to cast off very plainly along the top. Then I had to decide what to do for an edging, to give the piece a more finished look. Since this shawl is already all garter, I couldn't use my usual garter edging, and a lacy edging would have looked incongruous.

I finally went with what my husband is calling dreadlocks.

I am casting off with a crochet hook, casting off 5, then making a chain 15 stitches long, then single crocheting back down, cast off 5, repeat.

Here is a close-up. It surprised me that the 15-stitch chain gets shorter when I single crochet back down, by about a quarter to a third of the entire length, although it probably won't surprise any crocheters.

Now, be prepared to be jealous. Here is what I received in the mail.

That's a box of.....Colinette! Squee!

Here it is all stretched out, like I usually see in yarn stores.

I got the yarn from this Ebay seller (no connection except as a happy customer), at a wonderful price.

Yes, there is some serious winding in my future, but I think I'll wait a bit, just to enjoy how lovely it looks.

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