Saturday, April 10, 2010

New One Started

This one is going to be all about the middle.

The middle yarn is a glittery colorful yarn, a gift from my Denver relatives.

My friend Sandy put together a subdued colorway for me, and then when she added this yarn to it, the combination came alive.

I took an entire two days to get this one properly started, because I was trying to visualize where I was going to go. My initial idea was to have the center segment, and then other segments wrapping around it, but I also kept seeing long pieces with the center yarn showing through in between the ridges.

Finally, it occurred to me that I could have both. When I get a little further away from the middle, I'll start adding bits of the middle yarn as contrast.

The middle will have the lightest yarns in the colorway, shading out to the darker yarns at the edges. Each segment will have another yarn sweetening it, so the lightest will have the mediums as contrast, and the mediums will have the darks. The darks will probably have each other, with the middle yarn showing up here and there.

I'm going to call it Mirror, or something like that.


  1. Who knew knitting could be such an adventure? As always, I can't wait to see how this ends!
    - Sandy

  2. Well, it helps when the colorway is sitting there, calling to me!

    I can't wait to see what happens, either.
