Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Back in the Groove

I've reached the bottom....

I'm hoping it will block wider. Here's the latest schema.

If you've been keeping track, it keeps getting smaller (fewer rectangles). I'm also enjoying the few that are actual squares, like the green one, which is 18 by 18. It makes a nice break to not have to worry about doing a double decrease or increase every couple of rows, to keep the proportions.

Here are some closer looks.

I'm just a the point of defining the center chevrons. So far, I'm very pleased!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Still Diverted

I just can't stop making scarves.

This was a super fast one, on my largest needles. I cast on lenghwise with thick fuzzy chenille yarn, and then knit two together on the way back, going for a wavy edge.

Then I knit [yarnover, knit two together] for three rows with some Noro.

The middle was plain garter with a color and pattern changing yarn, and then reversed everything back to the other side, where I knit two in one with the chenille before casting off.

I finished off by crocheting the chenille along each end.

It's unblocked, so I'm hoping it looks a bit better stretched out, but it is fun and fuzzy/lacy.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Progress -- Light and Shadow

The design continues to evolve.

You can now see the beginning of the chevron effect at the top middle. I'm still not sure if the curved lines will show or not, but I like the movement between the light and dark, and how sometimes it appears and disappears, like light and shadow under the trees.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Got some new yarn from an online sale. Why does new yarn always seem to group itself? Is it because yarn that appeals to me already has a certain similarity, or just the fact that any reasonable variety pack of yarn will simply form groups?

These are scarf packs I put together. And here are some of the results.

This first one is a snake scarf, done in two colors, one noro.

The next is done in simple lace of three yarns, 15 stitches, first row knit, second row make 2 in first stitch, knit 5, knit 3 together, knit 5, make 2 in last stitch, and third row knit. Then change to the next yarn. After one repeat of this in all three yarns, I added a row 4 after the first 3, of knit i, and then yarnover and knit two together to the end, row 5, knit. Repeat these 5 rows through all three colors twice, then repeat the 3-row version, etc. I carried the unused yarns up the side.

Last one was a simple diagonal, three colors alternated in large sections, of all rows yarnover knit two together.

So much for a little intoxicating color fun -- time to return to the main piece.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Back Again

Google's Blogger has been down since the middle of the week. That was vexing but these things happen. What was unacceptable was their lack of information. When I tried to add a new post, all I got was a notice that Blogger would be down for an hour. I got that for three days.

Lapses can often be forgiven, but distrust lives on.

In the meantime, back to the topic at hand.

And some closer looks.

I'm still liking it.

It is knitting up to be larger than I'd thought, so I've modified my knitting plan by removing some rows and columns.

The peach is completed squares, and the green is where I am now.  I tend to continue knitting one of the colorways until I get  to a place where there's just a point, so I can't pick up, and then I switch to the other. That's how I started with something that looked like a scarf!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Shadow and Light

Here's my progress:

I'm surprised how well the two colorways are showing as separate.

Here are some closer looks.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Here's my plan:

 (A closer look)

 This tells me how big each rectangle is -- the numbers are the number of ridges each way. I don't know that I'll knit the entire graph. The green segment is the one I'm currently knitting.

Each rectangle is being knit as two triangles, knit in different directions, knit from different colorways.

The colorways allow themselves to be divided into the lighter and darker groups, so I alternate those as well.

One other variation that's emerged is that I'm doing one colorway by alternating two colors, and the other colorway knitting two ridges of each color. I love how these sorts of details emerge -- that's the heart of conditional knitting.